Tonight I achieved one of dreams. I have been chosen to be on the 2014-2015 Stampin’ Up! Artisan Design Team. Someone pinch me.
I don’t even know how to tell you how excited and honoured I am. There are no words to describe these feelings I have. I’m just so thrilled.
After I walked off the stage (PS, I have no pictures of me on stage because I didn’t even think to hand someone my camera, so if you happen to have one of me up there I’d love for you to send it to me) I was presented with the most beautiful box of goodies.
Inside I discovered my very own custom artisan stamp….
and my very first piece ever of Tiffany jewelry.
It was the most magical evening. One I’ll never forget.
Thank you to all of you who stop by my blog, leave comments, email me, and purchase from me. My blog is a huge reason why I was chosen for this great honour, and I do this blog for you, my customers. So this achievement is part yours too, because you are the ones that inspire me to keep creating and keep sharing.
Wow! Congratulations Allison! You are so very deserving of that honor, and I know that you will more than do it justice! I will be clicking on your link in my Inbox before checking out any others, that's for sure!!!
Chris in Calgary
AWE! You gals are SO SO SO kind for leaving me such beautiful comments. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm so lucky to have such great people stopping by my blog. *hugs*
Congratulations Allison! I can't wait to see all of your awesome creations:)
Wow! Congratulations Allison! You are so very deserving of that honor, and I know that you will more than do it justice! I will be clicking on your link in my Inbox before checking out any others, that's for sure!!!
Chris in Calgary
Congrats Allison, you deserve it!!
Congratulations Allison, you are amazing! Enjoy your year as an Artisan. Hugs, Di
AWE! You gals are SO SO SO kind for leaving me such beautiful comments. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm so lucky to have such great people stopping by my blog. *hugs*