I absolutely love being a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator and am so so lucky to have found something I am so incredibly passionate about. My passion extends beyond creating pretty things to include being passionate about helping my team members grow, learn, and develop. Whether you want to join as a discount shopper or would like a little side business, I’m committed to helping you along your journey.

Many people join my team for the discount and then they stay to enjoy the fun, creativity, and friendship. My team, the Inkin’ Elite, is spread all across Canada and I support them 100% online. So whether you are in the same city as me, or across the country, it’s the same experience for everyone.
When you purchase the Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit you receive $165 in products of your choice for only $135 + your Starter Kit ships free! Simply go to JoinNicePeopleStamp.com and sign up. I’m so excited to welcome you to our fun stamping circle of friends from all over Canada. Join for the community and discount or to become a demonstrator, the choice is yours. Everyone is welcome!
Start building your Starter Kit today and join the fun!
I can’t wait to welcome you!
As demonstrators we can order from new catalogues a month in advance and it’s one of my favourite perks of being a demonstrator (plus that discount!).
Awesome features of becoming a demonstrator:
- VIP Access: Be the first to see catalogues and order new product!
- Minimum 20% discount on all purchases and depending on how much you sell (or buy!) each month
that discount can go up to 38%! - Minimum of 20% commission on your sales
- Exclusive website full of stamping samples
- Opportunities to attend convention, regional events, and demonstrator get togethers (when available)
- Opportunity to work to earn cash bonuses, product bonuses, and incentive trips
PLUS you receive these extra perks, when you join my team:
- Monthly team Facebook LIVE gatherings!
- Exclusive Facebook group for friendship and stamping inspiration
- Business training and support if you wish
- Access to my past and upcoming Class To Go videos on our team Facebook page
- Ability to purchase just the class packets for my Classes To Go (then purchase the Stampin’ Up! products you need from yourself with your discount)
- Challenges with prizes!
- And so much more!
I can’t wait to welcome you to my wonderful Canadian team of demonstrators. Join today. What are you waiting for?

Please note: Less than 1% of all demonstrators earn the Stampin’ Up! Incentive Trip each year. The claims published here are not representative of typical Stampin’ Up! demonstrators. The level of sales required to achieve this result represents significant work and is accomplished by a substantially small percentage of Stampin’ Up! demonstrators.