I have a project to share with you later this afternoon (time permitting), but first I’d like your help in solving a bit of a problem. Technology and I usually get along most of the time, but it seems as though we have come to a bit of an impasse. I don’t really know what’s up, because everything looks fine to me, BUT I got an email from a friend saying that my blog is being ‘cut off’ on the top. So she can’t see my title, first picture, or beginning of my post. Is this happening to anyone else? I’d like to get this sorted out, but I am wondering how many of you are having this problem. Your response is greatly appreciated!
It's been happening for awhile to me on my computer, but here at my mom's it's been fine. Maybe it is the browser, I use Firefox in Calgary, my mom has a mac. weird….
It looks like it always does for me! Everything is where it should be when I look at your blog.
Looks fine to me!! Maybe it is her browser?? Anyway, everything looks fine! I use Google Chrome…
Yes, that sometimes happens to me. The whole post flashes as soon as it loads, and then there are a bunch of horizontal lines cutting off the top.
It's been happening for awhile to me on my computer, but here at my mom's it's been fine. Maybe it is the browser, I use Firefox in Calgary, my mom has a mac. weird….
It's all good now for me. I'm on a Mac but you know that. Yay, you fixed it so now I can read and see everything.