Hello friends!
Well, just as the title of this blog post indicates, sometimes the best laid plans remain as simply that, plans. I went down to my studio late last night, after spending much of the evening finishing up our bathroom remodel, and sat down to write my blog post for today. My hubby also came downstairs and went into our storage room (also where the freezer is) in search of a popsicle, and then began a lot of panic. There was quite a bit of water all over the floor and our hot water tank had a steady stream of water coming out of the pressure release thingy. ACK! First things first, I grabbed the several boxes of gifts I have prepared for my upcoming retreat, and thankfully nothing was ruined! PHEW! Then began the awful task of removing nearly everything from our storage room, and trying to dry out anything that was on the floor. It was a LONG night. Of course by this time it’s 4am and the dang heater is still spewing water. I keep it no secret that the hubby and I are NOT handy. We can fumble through a fence and I’m a home decor DIY maven, but how does one even turn this hot water heater off?!?! Lots of googling and even still more panic and we settled on leaving it on, turning the temperature waaaaayyyy down, and placing a large bucket under the leak. My hubby was so scared the thing was going to blow up in the night that he slept in my studio to keep an eye on it.
I’m happy to report that the silly thing has stopped leaking, but we have a plumber coming in a few hours to take a peek. He said maybe it’s as simple as a new value, but could be as bad as needing a new one. Fingers crossed for the valve….
Thank goodness you were home. I always have a fear of water damage since we have had 2 floods, now everything is in rubbermaids and off the floor. Live and learn. Good luck – here's to its a valve.