Today was so incredible! I can’t even begin to describe the excitement. The Stampin’ Up! staff was so welcoming and they really got the crowd movin’! Oh, and there was a crowd…
Check out this amazing video that Stampin’ Up! posted on You Tube! These are all Stampin’ Up! staff members!
Shelli did a cute stamping presentation too! A super fun magnetic frame!
We went to some great classes as well. I always enjoy learning new things from Stampin’ Up! staff and other demonstrators.
I love all the details that Stampin’ Up! puts into absolutely everything. Even the table that we did our make n takes at is beautifully decorated.
How thoughtful!
This evening was especially special for me. It was my first time walking across the stage during Convention, and also during Awards Night!
I shared this honour with my friends Rose, Kristine, and Kim. We’ve all earned all expense paid trips for two to Hilton Head Island this September!
Stampin’ Up! is SUCH an amazing family of staff and demonstrators. The love and respect we all have for one another is truly genuine. I hope that even more of my downline choose to join the Convention adventure next year! Want to join us? Becoming a demonstrator is EASY! There’s lots of details HERE. Go check it out so you can be with us in Salt Lake City next year!!!!
Happy Stampin’
Please note: Less than 1% of all demonstrators earn the Stampin’ Up! Incentive Trip each year.
Great post Allison, l can feel the excitement from down under…:0)
Thanks so much for sharing your Convention joy!
Congrats on earning your trip and getting to walk the stage, well done. xxx
Yay!! Way to go Allison!!! Congratulations 🙂
Keep the pictures coming!!