So here I sit. In Toronto at 11pm on Sunday night. I was scheduled to be home in Calgary by 8:30pm, but plans have been SERIOUSLY altered thanks to United Airlines. Grrr…
My flight is now delayed AGAIN and I’m not getting in to the Calgary airport until 2:30am. So after the 40 minute drive home I should get about an hour and a half of sleep before I have to get up for work on Monday morning. Great.
Thankfully I am still on a total high from Leadership in Nashville, so I’m in good spirits considering. I have so many great things to share when I get home…whenever that is! Haha!
It was great fun to spend time with you and get to know you better during Leadership this year. Travel can't get much worse for next year…I'm sure we will have NO problems getting there and back next year!!
It was great fun to spend time with you and get to know you better during Leadership this year. Travel can't get much worse for next year…I'm sure we will have NO problems getting there and back next year!!