Yesterday I showed you this cute little Christmas Suitcase, so today I’ve let the contents spill out all over the place so you can see what’s inside! It’s got 10 Christmas Cards, 10 Christmas Tags, a Christmas Post-It Note Holder, and a matching sparkly beaded pen (which somehow didn’t make it into this picture). I’ve got two upcoming classes to make this adorble holiday gift. November 7th-8th in Edmonton and November 16th in Calgary. Email me at to get all the details and register. I can’t wait to show you how to make this!!!
This suitcase is what we'll be working on all day Sunday Nov 8th in Edmonton, and Sunday Nov 22nd in Calgary. I'm really excited to show everyone how to make this totally sweet suitcase!
wow, lots of goodies in there!!!!
There is a ton of stuff in there!!! Is this one project (ie. morning class) or would it be a whole day thing?
Hi Niki!
This suitcase is what we'll be working on all day Sunday Nov 8th in Edmonton, and Sunday Nov 22nd in Calgary. I'm really excited to show everyone how to make this totally sweet suitcase!
See you on the 8th!!!!
sign me up!
I can't wait to do this project once I'm back from my trip…. 😀